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Innovative Aesthetic Technology

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Solve incontinence problems (male or female ) with B Pulse.


Our technology stimulates neuromuscular tissues to treat all types of incontinence and significantly improves sexual function in men and women.


B Pulse offers non-surgical buttock lift and augmentation treatment.


It strengthens, tones and firms the gluteal muscles without any effort.


As it is a procedure without surgery or injections, there are no risks compared to surgery.


Feel better in just a few weeks and do all the activities you enjoyed without feeling uncomfortable.

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Couple in love

Improve the quality of intimate relationships


B PULSE technology uses high intensity electromagnetic energy which stimulates the pelvic floor muscles through thousands of contractions, for incomparable results!


An increase in tissue vascularization for better blood circulation, which allows for a better sexual sensation.


It is very common, affecting almost 30% of women and 15% of men, which significantly decreases the quality of life of those affected.


With complete work,

B PULSE is a great solution for women of all ages who have symptoms and want to improve their quality of life.


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Treatments are adapted according to the desired results.


The patient remains fully clothed.


The process takes no more than 30 minutes per session.


Just sit clothed throughout the process.


A B PULSE session is equivalent to more than

13,000 Kegels.


The treatments do not require convalescence and are painless.


Only small tinglings and muscle contractions are felt during the sessions.


After the first session, a difference in the affected area may be felt immediately.


Optimal results can be seen two to four weeks after the recommended 4 to 6 treatments.


Treat incontinence


The solution to incontinence

The natural aging of the body, childbirth and menopause can give rise to incontinence.


Coughing, sneezing, laughing or just being excited can cause people who suffer from incontinence to urinate lightly.


There are an estimated 16 million people in North America affected by urinary incontinence, 85% of whom are women.


B Pulse is a great solution for women of all ages who have symptoms and want to improve their quality of life.

Woman with Long Grey Hair
Smiling Young Man

The solution to

erectile dysfunction

And premature ejaculation .


Erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

La technologie exclusive de B PULSE est une révolution pour la santé et le bien-être des hommes en offrant une solution complètement non-invasive, non-surgical et offrant une alternative aux médicaments et aux personnes souffrant de dysfonctionnement érectile.


Le manque de tonus dans le plancher pelvien qui soutient habituellement la vessie, le rectum et la prostate peut créer des problèmes d'incontinence,


Pour de nombreux couples, cela réduit la qualité de vie du couple en provoquant l'anxiété, l'insatisfaction et les problèmes de relation.


Certains hommes ont besoin d'une doublure ou d'une petite serviette pour les petites fuites après une prostatéctomie radicale.


Ces hommes peuvent s'enfuir lors du travail intense ou vers la fin de la journée.


B PULSE a aidé la majorité de ces hommes à revenir à la continence.


Les hommes qui ont eu un cancer de la prostate peuvent également profiter grandement


B PULSE, en traitant les symptômes ou l'incontinence et en améliorant leur santé sexuelle.


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Augmenter la qualité des relations sexuelles.

B PULSE allows women to access orgasm more easily, experience those who are stronger and obtain a high sensation.


Therefore, it has a positive effect on their sexual well-being and intimate relationships.


The only “side effect” of the treatment is the increase in sexual pleasure!


Benefits of B PULSE care.

Feel better about yourself.


Find your self-confidence.


Sleep longer: stop getting up at night to preventively empty your bladder.


Increase quality of life: 2 weeks of treatment for better results in 2 months.


Take back your freedom: no longer refrain from laughing or doing activities in public, for fear of escaping a few drops.


Improve the quality of sexual relations:


Improved erection and sexual pleasure:


Best orgasms for women and more.


Elimination of layers and protections.


Increase libido.


Développez les muscles pour des fesses plus fermes et plus courbés.


Lorsque les muscles fessiers subissent ces contractions « forcées », cela a pour effet de remodeler en profondeur leur structure interne. 


Plus spécifiquement, il y a croissance des muscles existants et création de nouvelles fibres musculaires. Voici une solution sans risque pour avoir une fesse plus incurvée et mieux définie qui défie les lois de la gravité !

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